Imagine wounds being healed, the lost being found, the hungry being fed, hope replacing despair and lives being changed...

Messiah Lutheran Church strives to offer healing and care to its congregation through a variety of programs.

Statement of Philosophy

When Jesus sent out His disciples, He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and heal the sick.  Luke 9:2

Christ's healing acts of compassion, love, and grace, model for Christians the picture of health and wholeness of body, mind, and spirit, as well as social justice for all God's children.  Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the faith community nurse, health advisory board, staff, and members of our congregation offer healing and care to those in need.


Loving, God, We have been called as people of God to preach and heal, bringing the Good News of God's love and wholeness to all people.  We support one another in our common ministry, as we seek to be faithful stewards of all that which God has given us.  Fill us with passion for your ministry of bringing comfort and strength to a weary and wounded world.  Inspire us to speak out on behalf of those in need of loving care.  Grant us the courage to seek those who need healing.  Give us compassion for all.  This we pray in your precious and Holy Name.  Amen.